03 March 2010


On Sunday night, 28 February 2010, the ABC's Compass programme was called "For the Bible tells me so".

The programme was about fundamentalist christians in the USA and what happened to them when family members came out as gay or lesbian.

It was an interesting programme and viewers were invited to contribute to the programme's guest book for comments on what they had seen.

At the end of the programme Geraldine Doogue had certain helplines on the screen with details such as phone numbers and other information.

One of the organisations listed was Jeff Kennett's homophobic beyondblue which for the last 10 years has refused to help gay, lesbian, transgender and HIV/AIDS members of those communities who needed help with issues such as depression, ideation of suicide and other related matters.

Most of the contributions to the guest book were from fundamentalist christians who hate homosexuals, and a few were from those who said the bible was ridiculous and written by a collection of silly old men who put their ignorance and prejudice down in writing, to the detriment subsequently, of millions of people around the world.

I sent in a statement about beyondblue and its homophobia, and was rewarded by ABC censorship which I can only conclude was another piece of homophobia from the ABC, Compass and Geraldine Doogue.

Yet another setback in our struggle for equality!!

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