The latest edition of the Star Observer dated Friday 18 January 2013 carries a prominent page 2 advertisement from the Jewish National Fund.
As you can see from the picture below the graphic shows two trees with stick people below and the colouring of the trees from left to right is -you guessed it - rainbow colours to show that zionists are gay-friendly!
The impression given by the advert is that the Jewish National Fund (JNF) (remember the Blue Boxes in every Jewish household to collect money to plant trees in Israel?) has saved Israel from the desert and created a "cleaner and greener legacy"
Oh, the hypocrisy!!!
What the advert doesn't tell you is that it the JNF is supporting planting trees in the illegal settlement areas of the west bank, where Israelis steal Palestinian land on a daily basis, apartheid intensifies criminally and the JNF trees are watered with water reserves stolen from the Palestinians for the illegal settlements!
The advert tells you how gay friendly the JNF is, but doesn't tell you that after the elections in Israel on 22 January 2013 the religious right will have more control of the Knesset (the Israeli parliament) and that they are not exactly gay friendly!
And this is now supported by the Star Observer who were no doubt paid a large sum of money for the advert to be placed so prominently in the paper.
Send your protests loud and clear to the editor of the Star Observer and tell the editor that blood money is unacceptable!
I have sent the following letter to the editor of the Star Observer as a protest on behalf of Lesbian and Gay Soldarity:
I wish to complain in the strongest possible terms to the Star Observer accepting an advertisment form a zionist organisation such as the Jewish National Fund which is an organisation using blood money to pay for the advertisment.
On top of this travesty, the advertisement purports to support the gay, lesbian, transgender and HIV (GLTH) communities by showing trees and stick people in rainbow colours. In reality, the rabid right-wing reactionary government of Israel is controlled by religious political parties which are endeavouring to ban all aspects of acceptance of GLTH groups into the life of the Israeli communities.
The Jewish National Fund is one of those groups which plants trees in the illegally occupied Palestinian territories, is instrumental in securing water to water these trees and depriving the Palestinian citizens of their rightful use of their own waters which are diverted for the use of the illegal settlers.
Please ensure that the Star Observer does not ever again accept advertisements from such organisations.
On top of everything else the advertisement appears on page 2 of the issue of 18 January 2013 in one of the most prominent positions available.
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